Sewing (AKA not-knitting II)

Lately it’s been too warm for me to knit because I didn’t want to risk a flare up of heat rash on my hands 😦

I miss it and I’m looking forward to Autumn days curled up with tea and knitting – but in the mean time there is Summer! And this Summer there is Sewing!

I made some cushion covers for my sister’s new place from her left over curtain fabric:

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And a little pinafore dress for my niece with different curtain remnants (just like in The Sound of Music!) and some cupcake fabric remnants I had lying around:



I'm pretty sure this is the pic I took of the bit I did wrong, and had to re-do.

Error! I had to peel these interfaced pieces apart and sew them together correctly.



Knitting is on the cards shortly and I’ve got a sweet pic of my yarn stash to look forward to for next time! Till then, happy stitchin. xx